hi (name)
i am oyur film
i want you to make me
your writing is trash and you know it and its not very appealing, so i understand you are having problems finishing the movie
but you have some good sections
like the jazz to johnny guitar
but its a bunch of loose sections with the only sense holding it together because you dont change costumes
so why should i watch you dance for 33 minutes if its just a regular songs and jazz cuts ? there has to be story for it to follow
yeah right the movie is crit itself

i need you to put your honest efforts into this film
not shallow effortt sure i dont want 33 minutes ofnothing
id rather 5 minutes of condensed shit rahter than 33 minutes
hell even 1 minute

ok i want to be made so heres what i want you to do
pick one song
do a rough cut WITH the cuts in the middle of the song to change angles and what not
green screen the background

circumstances are not the art
the art defines itself
if it is a self contained piece